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Friday, October 11th 2024
November Menu ordering for the School Lunch Association is now open. The deadline is Tuesday, October 15th.
It's a PD Day today for students at the following schools;
East Point Elementary
Mount Pearl Senior High
All Hallows Elementary
Morris Academy
St. Bernard's School
The following schools are now accepting school clothing orders.
Gonzaga High (October 18th)
Mount Pearl Senior High (October 18th)
Leary's Brook Junior High (October 11th)
O'Donel High (October 13th).
St. Peter’s Junior High
High Schools
Holy Heart of Mary will be accepting breakfast donations this week (October 7th-11th)
Holy Spirit High Graduates of 2024, there’s an information letter about the upcoming Cap and Gown ceremony on the school website.
Picture Day will take place at Waterford Valley High on October 18th.
Junior High Schools
Leary's Brook Junior High school clothing orders are being accepted until today (October 11th).
Villanova Junior High's Thanksgiving Food Drive will take place this week (October 7th - October 11th)
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