Hanlon Realty and Classic Hits Coast 1 01.1 one present:
A Farewell to Summer Dance for the Food Banks at the Bella Vista!
Featuring Billy Sharpe and Summerset,
Judith Morrissey & The Roadside Attractions
and a special tribrute to Jimmy Buffet by Blackie Oleary and the Stowaways!
Friday September 27th in support of the Community Food Sharing Association!
So put on your flip flops and beachwear for the last time and dance the night away to 3 sensational bands including a tribrute to Jimmy Buffet! there will be a 50/50 draw
Tickets only $ 25.00 in advance, $ 30 at the door!
Advance tickets at: Stanleys Pub, call Billy Sharpe at 685-26-10
online at eventbrite.ca
Presented by Hanlon Realty, and Classic Hits Coast 101.1